I happened to be in the town centre when my phone notified me that some new photos was on the EYMS facebook page! Could it be ; Yes, the new bus was waiting for me (not personally like) outside the depot, parked up nicely. I took a service 1 down to the Anlaby Road depot and got off as i usually do, went across, and there it was in all it's glory. At first sight it is indeed a very smart looking bus, which i'm sure will be favourable with passengers. The bus is the first in EYMS' fleet to incorporate a Euro-Six engine, although the company already operates many Euro-five predecessors. Luckily for me there was some engineers outside, who let me take a closer look at the engine and the cab and interior!
You will notice the interior is very roomy and 'passenger friendly' it has ample space for a wheelchair and a fold down bar for the wheelchair space occupant. It also has a decent amount of luggage space. Onto the drivers cab and the controls are pretty simple, the same standard as all other B5LH vehicles. The destination changer and climate control are situated above the driver for easy access, and the door control is in the usual place on the right hand side cab panel. The cab is overall pretty spacious, and the drivers seat is equally comfortable. The interior is well lit and the upstairs also sports full size windows, despite it being the low height version of the bus. Overall i believe this is a very nice looking addition to the fleet, and with a Euro Six engine it shouldn't be too harsh on the pocket. To my belief once in service it will be on the X46 runs to York most of the time! Other photos below.
Cab - B5LH Standard
Top of the cab - Climate Control and Destination controlled by a Hanover Deric DG3
Main Engine Door - Sporting the first Euro-Six in the fleet!
Downstairs Interior - Spacious and Roomy, With ample wheelchair and luggage space.
Cab Side Control Panel
Upstairs - Nice and bright.
Side Engine Cover
I'd like to thank the fab engineers at EYMS and the driver trainer who allowed me to take the first pictures of this bus inside and out! Cheers guys!
Cheers for all the positive support guys, This article alone has had over 200 views! and the site has had around 333 as of today!